We believe beauty comes in all shapes and sizes & there is no 1 perfect formula for making a person beautiful naturally. Of course, being healthy and confident is always part of the equation.
Most patients in our practice are seeking subtle and natural improvements to their appearance and that is what we provide. We are not interested in creating a plastic or unnatural result.
If we have done our job well, you can expect your friends and acquaintances to notice an improvement without knowing exactly what you had done.
As we always say that, ‘COSMETIC SURGERY IS A SURGERY OF WANT AND NOT ALWAYS A SURGERY OF DIRE NEED.’ Hence for us, our client’s safety is always something that is absolutely nonnegotiable. For us, safety is the number 1 priority followed by achieving a natural and scientifically acceptable transformative changes meeting our client’s expectations.
We don’t sell services: we provide choices – choices that are based upon a sound, scientific foundation.
As plastic surgery becomes more mainstream, people are clamoring for the “latest and greatest” procedures that are touted in every beauty magazine. Many times these procedures have not been thoroughly tested and can be ineffective or even dangerous.
You can trust that Dr. Shukan Kapadia is continuously evaluating new methods of treatment for scientific validity and advancement in technique, and that he will not perform procedures just because everyone else is.
We are truly grateful that our clients give us the opportunity to consult with them regarding how best to change what concerns them about their physical appearance, and we take that responsibility very seriously. If you choose to be treated by Dr. Shukan Kapadia and the staff at Instar Cosmetic Surgery, you can be assured to have selected a practice and surgeon that uphold the highest standards of education, training and patient care.
Our clients are well educated and well informed participants in their own care during their journey FROM FINE TO FABOULOUS making it a pleasurable experience for them.
We work together with each one to address concerns and desires regarding their physical appearance and discuss the options available for the best outcome, in order to help them make the best decision.